Shutts & Bowen partner and Village of Biscayne Park Mayor David J. Coviello along with the city’s council members held a ribbon cutting and rededication ceremony of a historic log cabin this past Sunday.

Photo credit: Matias J. Ocner,Miami Herald
According to the Miami Herald, the log cabin, which also served as a police department and clerk’s office, was dedicated in 1935 for meetings and gatherings in the Village, located west of Biscayne Boulevard between Miami Shores and North Miami.
Following a $1 million grant, the log cabin was renovated and rededicated to its original purpose. Coviello and other city council members held the first commission meeting at the log cabin exactly 81 years since its initial dedication ceremony in 1935. The cabin was originally built in 1933 to provide work for people during the Great Depression.
Read the full story here. Watch the video of the ceremony here.
About David J. Coviello:
As a member of the firm’s Land Use and Zoning Practice Group, David Coviello represents developers, property owners and other clients in zoning and land use matters, as well as code compliance and licensing matters. He also regularly assists institutional clients with zoning and land use diligence in connection with complex real estate acquisitions.
Coviello has lived in the Village of Biscayne Park for almost eight years. In 2013, he received the highest number of votes in his first municipal election and is commissioned through 2018. The exclusively residential community of about 3,000 residents has the county’s highest millage rate (property tax rate in tenths of a cent), at 9.7 mills, and one of its lowest crime rates.